Created for WonderJam 5, Under the Bed tells the story of ten-year-old Tatum, struggling with family life, and the monsters living under the bed, all dealing with their own struggles. Through a series of quests, Tatum and the monsters learn valuable lessons about family and dealing with change.

Meet the Dapper Beastie Team:

Vinayak "Vinnie" Mahajan - Lead Programmer & Level Design

Kevin Kardon - Artist, Monster Maniac, & Monster Voices

Sangita Nuli - Lead Writer, Technical Narrative Designer, & Quest Design

Jamie Wind Whitmarsh - Original Music & Sound Design, Lead Designer

Lisa Kachouee - Tatum SFX

Taylor McElroy - Producer & Level Designer

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I released my video yesterday of me playing Under The Bed. (The ost [Official Soundtrack] of this game is nice)

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome! We'd love to hear your thoughts on it when you finish!